terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

and.......here comes another :D

e aqui vem a 1ª de 2009 :D
sem muita disposição para escrever por motivos que talvez mais tarde venha a por um post sobre sobre isso :((
preciso de animo, muito!!!!
até já :)

and here comes the 1st of 2009: D
without much willingness to write for reasons that maybe later I will post something about it : ((
I need support, a lot!!!!
see you :)

6 comentários:

  1. Anônimo1:26 AM

    Sending good thoughts your way:)

  2. Dearest Isabel,

    First of all, I'm sorry that you are going through a difficult time. I therefore wish you all the best and I hope that you can find much strength and relieve in your creative work and with your family.

    Oh, and 'The first of 2009' looks really wonderful! Those trees are really gorgeous! Well done!

    The very Best Wishes,

    PS. In my Language (Flemish) we have a saying. 'To put a heart under someones belt', which means to comfort someone...
    Well, I send you lots of heart. Tuck it under your belt and keep it safe there! I hope it helps a little bit.

  3. Boa tarde Isabel, em termos de animo já somos 2, mas pormenores á parte deixe que lhe diga que andei a "bisbilhotar" o seu blog e tem trabalhos girissimos.
    Força e um optimo 2009

  4. Toda tu generosidad debe ser compensada con un abrazo cálido si es requerido.

    Te mando un beso azul y algo fresquito desde mi norte de África hasta el lugar de tu casa donde te sientas un poco feliz.

  5. Pretty! I love the earthy colours. The first of 2009!! So there's so much more good and beautiful to come from you this year!

  6. Me encantan la combinacion de colores que estas haciendo en este cojin. Espero que las cosas vayan mejor y que 2009 acaba siendo cada vez mejor. Besos!


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